Tuesday, January 9, 2007

One Deep Breath - Subtle Changes

Sun warms their faces
Healthy glow of rosy cheeks
Sprinkle of freckles


New stylish hair-do
Condfident, looking pretty
He doesn't notice


Ivory bishop
Diagonal move to check
Long-standing bet lost

For more Subtle Changes


Roswila said...

Ivory bishop
Diagonal move to check
Long-standing bet lost


Jone said...

I love the phrase srinkle of freckles.

Tammy Brierly said...

Our children's changes are so subtle and then we can't remember them all. Touching, as I take in my grandson's every change.

Last two were cute!

Regina said...

I can so relate to the second one!
These were wonderful!

S.L. Corsua said...

I've relished reading all three. The second made me chuckle, fondly remembering similar scenes. The third I enjoyed the most (first 'chess' haiku I've read, methinks). ^_^

It's been a pleasure. Cheers.