Monday, February 12, 2007

One Deep Breath - Shelter

The prompt this week at One Deep Breath is Shelter. Here are two very different takes on the prompt. The first is just fun, the second more of a prayer.

Plastic rain poncho
Useless against Florida rain
Disney fun goes on
Shelter me, O Lord
For you are my strong tower
Let me run to you
(Proverbs 18:10)


Annie Jeffries said...

A haiku in Proverbs! Magnificent.

Crafty Green Poet said...

The first one made me smile!

And a haiku from the Bible, nicely done.

Regina said...

These were both wonderful- oh, how I can relate to both!

Kim said...

Beautifully done!

Becca said...

Boy, can I relate to the disney poncho being useless as shelter from those florida rain storms - been there, done that many times!

And your second haiku is just beautiful-so comforting :)

Tammy Brierly said...

Very cool to find a proverb haiku!

Jone said...

From Disneyland to Proverbs, lovely haiku. Used those pouches myself

Anonymous said...

I am taken with both and I love the pooh quote. Peace

Anonymous said...

Why's the poncho useless?

Yah for Pooh tho.